Marathon: Durandal XBLA innen: www.xbox.com
9,99 USD
Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 2-8, Local Multiplayer 2-4, HD (High Definition). Purchase now to unlock the full game, with all the classic Marathon ...
Videótalálatok erre: Marathon: Durandal XBLA
Időtartam: 8:26
Közzétéve: 2014. jan. 27.
Marathon: Durandal XBLA innen: en.m.wikipedia.org
This is the only game in the series to be officially released for Windows and Xbox 360 XBLA in addition to the Mac. The unofficial Aleph One community ...
Videótalálatok erre: Marathon: Durandal XBLA
Időtartam: 5:48
Közzétéve: 2009. nov. 19.
This plugin is a port of the Durandal XBLA interface to Aleph One. Compatible with Marathon 2 and Infinity, and included in the all-in-one downloads of those ...
Értékelés · A vélemény írója: IGN
This 2007 remake of Bungie's shooter, Marathon: Durandal, boasts all-new high definition graphics and support for 720p widescreen displays. Developers.
Marathon: Durandal XBLA innen: www.xboxachievements.com
Venture into the Citadel and learn the secrets of the S'pht. Pfhor the Win. 42. Complete the Single player game in any difficulty. Tastes Like Chicken.
2021. febr. 11. · I much prefer to play Durandal with a controller. Aleph One is great but the controller support is just awful. So Xbox is my preferred option.
Marathon: Durandal XBLA innen: simplici7y.com
This plugin is a port of the Durandal XBLA interface to Aleph One. Compatible with Marathon 2 and Infinity, and included in the all-in-one downloads of those ...