aggodalom in Nóra Ittzés, editor, A magyar nyelv nagyszótára [ A Comprehensive Dictionary of the Hungarian Language ] (Nszt.), Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2006– ...
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Az ajkak elharapása jele lehet az aggodalomnak. Guido Reni 17. századi festményén Keresztelő Szent János aggodalmat mutat. A hosszantartó aggodalom a ...
If you want to learn aggodalom in English, you will find the translation here, along with other translations from Hungarian to English. You can also listen to ...
Arcanum is an online publisher that creates massive structured databases of digitized cultural contents. The Company Contact Press room. Services. Arcanum ...
Aggodalom's avatar. Aggodalom. Send Note Watch. 0 Watchers18 Deviations1.3K Pageviews. Profile Navigation. Home · Gallery · Favourites · About ...
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Find all translations of aggodalom nélküli helyzet in English like easy street and many others.