Vegetation shaping and study: Prunus Cerasifera Nigra

  • Posted on: 11 May 2015
  • By: Melia_Minozzi

Prunus Cerasifera Nigra in Rome

To fully understand how shadows and lights could affect the project area it’s important to consider the surrounding vegetation, and therefore the most common types of trees in the affected area. In our project area, a very common shrub is the Prunus Cerasifera, better known as Cherry Plum. This tree is spread across Rome, and is therefore a symbol of this city.  

Cherry Plum is native to Europe and Asia. It reaches 6 to 15 metres tall and its deciduous leaves are 4-6 cm long. Its flowering occurs quite early, around mid-February. The flowers are white, and the fruit is a yellow or dark red drupe similar to plums, which is edible and reaches maturity between July and September.


Tree Model Features:

Total Height : 7,5 m

Trunk Height : 1,5 m             Trunk Diameter: 0,20 m

Foliage Height: 6 m               Maximum Foliage Diameter: 6 m


Shaping Prunus Cerasifera Nigra on Vasari Software

1- Start Vasari software, and create a new file selecting ''New Conceptual Mass'' on the list ''Families'', then ''Mass'' and finally ''Open''.


2- It's possible to change the units of measure selecting ''Project Units''. 


3- Before you start shaping forms, it's recommended to create levels where you can draw the tree sections at specific heights.




4- Select all the plane figures, and click on create form-solid form to shape the tree. 


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Lunedì, 11 Maggio, 2015 - 11:00