Maximum size : 5 cm

Firefly Betta - Betta dimidiata Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Firefly Betta (Betta dimidiata) is a captivating freshwater fish species known for its intriguing behaviours and charming personality, making them a popular choice for aquarium enthusiasts seeking a compelling and rewarding aquatic companion.

Firefly Bettas are not recommended for inclusion in standard community aquariums due to their specific care requirements and disposition. These captivating fish are best kept either alone or in the company of very peaceful species. While some small Loaches and Cyprinids that share similar natural environments may be suitable tank mates, conducting thorough research before making any purchases is crucial. In most cases, keeping Foersch's Bettas in solitary arrangements is advisable.

There are mixed reports regarding the possibility of maintaining multiple pairs or harem-type groups comprising a single male and several females. Some sources suggest that physical harm is infrequent, while some chasing and territorial disputes may occur. However, others recommend housing them in single pairs due to observations of sustained aggression by dominant individuals towards weaker ones.

For an optimal habitat, a fully-decorated aquarium is suitable for Firefly Bettas. Many breeders prefer to avoid using a substrate for easier maintenance. Driftwood roots and branches can be thoughtfully arranged to create shady spots, while clay pots or plastic piping can provide additional shelter. Adding dried leaf litter also offers extra cover, replicating their natural environment.

Firefly Bettas thrive in dimly lit environments and appreciate the presence of hardy aquatic plants and floating vegetation in their aquarium. As these fish inhabit sluggish waters in their native habitat, gentle filtration is preferred. An air-powered sponge filter serves this purpose effectively.

It is essential to keep the aquarium well-covered and avoid filling it to the top, as Bettas require occasional access to the layer of humid air above the water's surface. Additionally, these fish have a remarkable ability to jump, so a secure lid is crucial for their safety.

Characterized by their dark greyish-brown body with long, flowing fins, Firefly Bettas boast a striking feature of translucent blue colouration on the edges of their fins, particularly prominent in the anal fin.

Firefly Betta Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Firefly Bettas is a straightforward task owing to their discernible visual characteristics. Specifically, the males exhibit a more vibrant and intense colouration compared to their female counterparts. Additionally, males often display a striking band in their anal and tail fins, further aiding in their differentiation from females.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameBetta dimidiata
Year Described1989
Max Size5 cm
Aquarium LevelMiddle - Top
Best kept as1 Male + Several Females
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 3 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 5.5 - 6.5
GH 1 - 5
TDS 18 – 90
Ideal Temperature
71 - 82
22 - 28

Natural Habitat

Firefly Bettas are indigenous to the Kapuas Basin in west Kalimantan, Indonesia. These Bettas predominantly inhabit forest swamp streams and pools, often with a shallow depth of just a few centimetres. The habitats are characterized by a dense canopy of branches overhead, providing ample shade that limits the penetration of sunlight into the water. As a result, the riparian vegetation grows abundantly in these areas.

The water in their natural environment can exhibit a slight discolouration due to the presence of humic acids and other compounds released from decaying organic matter. The substrates commonly found in their habitat consist of fallen leaves, branches, and submerged tree roots, providing a suitable environment for their well-being.

Notably, during specific periods of the year, the Firefly Bettas may encounter challenges finding permanent water sources. Consequently, they have been observed surviving within the moist leaf litter or utilizing holes in the riverbed for extended periods, possibly lasting several weeks.
Overall, the Firefly Bettas have adapted to thrive in these unique ecological conditions found within the Kapuas basin, showcasing their remarkable ability to endure and persist under various environmental circumstances.


Firefly Bettas are recognized for their distinctive paternal mouthbrooding behaviour, and it is advisable to establish a separate breeding aquarium unless the fish are already kept individually. When undertaking the breeding process for these captivating fish, it is of utmost importance to provide the breeding aquarium with a tightly-fitting cover to allow the fry access to a layer of warm, humid air. This atmospheric condition is crucial for the proper development of their labyrinth organ, which is vital for their well-being.

During courtship, a prolonged embrace takes place, with the male wrapping around the female. Occasionally, several "dummy" embraces may occur before the actual spawning process commences. A noteworthy characteristic of Firefly Bettas is that, unlike most mouthbrooding Betta species, the male does not capture the eggs in his anal fin; rather, he gathers them from the female's anal fin, following a pattern similar to that observed in bubble-nesting congeners.

Subsequently, the male collects the eggs directly into his mouth, repeating this process until the female has released all her eggs. To ensure successful breeding, it is best to leave the female and any other fish undisturbed in the same aquarium, as a stressed or inexperienced male may inadvertently swallow or prematurely release the eggs.

The egg incubation period spans approximately 8 to 14 days, after which the male releases the free-swimming fry. Interestingly, the male may accept food during this period. Adult Firefly Bettas typically do not prey on the fry, and some breeders have observed that leaving the young with their parents appears to accelerate their development.

The fry rapidly reaches a size where they can consume motile foods such as microworms and baby brine shrimp immediately. However, caution should be exercised to avoid overfeeding, as there have been reports of health issues in young Bettas when excessively fed.

Regarding water changes, it is recommended to perform minor and regular changes rather than infrequent large ones to maintain optimal conditions for the developing fry. Paying attention to these crucial aspects contributes significantly to the successful breeding of Firefly Bettas and ensures the well-being and growth of their offspring.

Diet & Feeding

Within a captive environment, Firefly Bettas readily adapt to consuming dried food products once they recognize their edibility. However, to foster optimal colouration and overall health, it is recommended to consistently offer them an abundant supply of small live or frozen foods, such as Daphnia, Artemia, or bloodworms. Prudence must be exercised to prevent overfeeding, as these fish display a particular susceptibility to obesity.

Other Bettas

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