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Callicarpa Bodinieri Profusion


Plant Information

  • Size: 3 Litre
  • Positioning: Full sun, partial shade
  • Soil moisture: Well drained
  • Flowering Period: July
  • Hardiness: Hardy
  • Ultimate Height: 4m
  • Ultimate Spread: 2.5m

Callicarpa Bodinieri Profusion commonly known as Beautyberry is a bushy, deciduous shrub which has long, lanceolate mid green leaves which in the autumn months turn a wonderful rosy red and pink colour creating fantastic interest themselves. In July the Callicarpa Bodinieri Profusion will bloom small lilac coloured flowers, however the true star of the show is the strong, purple coloured berries which are produced in large clusters covering the plant in colour! Even when the leaves fall the berries remain which maintains the plants interest even when it is typically bare.

The Callicarpa Bodinieri Profusion suits a variety of planting locations, garden types and planting schemes, known to make good cut flowers and can even be grown in containers where they will grow on patios, balconies and gardens without grass.

Callicarpa Bodinieri Profusion care

Plant the Callicarpa Bodinieri Profusion in a sunny, partially shaded area of the garden with well drained soil where it will thrive. Low maintenance, generally disease and pest free makes for a good garden plant for beginner and expert gardeners alike. In early spring it is recommended to prune the stems back to the permanent framework.