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Ilex X Altaclerensis ‘Golden King’


Plant Information

  • Size: 3 Litre
  • Positioning: Full sun, partial shade
  • Soil moisture: Moist, well drained
  • Flowering Period: May to June
  • Hardiness: Hardy
  • Ultimate Height: 8m
  • Ultimate Spread: 4m

Ilex X Altaclerensis ‘Golden King’, commonly known as Holly is a lovely evergreen, bushy shrub or small tree with broad, oval shaped mid green leaves slightly spined with a thick, golden yellow margin. In May and June the Ilex X Altaclerensis ‘Golden King’ blooms tiny white flowers which are closely followed by glossy red/brown berries creating a beautiful scene often referred to at christmas! The foliage is the real star of the show with this shrub and the flowers just another bonus of growing such a well known, award winning plant.

This easy to grow shrub can be grown in a huge variety of locations and planting schemes. Often planted at the edge of gardens to create a colourful bush or hedge and to add a bit of security with its spiny leaves. Can suit a wide variety of planting schemes and garden types including coastal and city gardens.

Ilex X Altaclerensis ‘Golden King’ care

Plant the Ilex X Altaclerensis ‘Golden King’ in a sunny position of the garden, the golden yellow margin will be more prominent in full sun although will grow well in a partially shaded area still. Making sure to have a moist soil, well drained and well watered. Once established and if growing as a specimen shrub, no pruning is required, however in late summer if you wanted to prune, lightly cut back any branches which are dead or damaged, or begin to mishape the plants natural framework, applying a generous mulch to the base of the plant once done.