The morepork (Ninox novaeseelandiae) is found throughout Australia and the surrounding islands. Also called the boobook owl, this species uses a two-syllable call that sounds like a high pitched “boobook.” This owl is particularly adept at hunting...

The morepork (Ninox novaeseelandiae) is found throughout Australia and the surrounding islands. Also called the boobook owl, this species uses a two-syllable call that sounds like a high pitched “boobook.” This owl is particularly adept at hunting birds and insects mid-flight.

(Photo source)

morepork owl morepork owl boobook owl bird strigiformes aves nature life animals pretty cute

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    “More pork! More pork!” I can hear a cute little New Zealand owl in the little forest outside my room. So cute!
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    The morepork is actually native to New Zealand, though found throughout New Zealand and Tasmania. It is not present in...
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