
Invisalign SmileView is a tool designed to show you how Invisalign® treatment can change your smile. If you have ever been curious about what you would look like with a straighter smile, now you can see a side-by-side comparison using only a selfie.

The SmileView™ tool allows you to upload your best-smiling selfie on your smartphone or tablet and, within 60 seconds, see your smile transformation! The before and after images are side by side so you can compare your smiles in the comfort of your own home. This gives you a great idea of how Invisalign® treatment can change your smile!

How to Access and Use Invisalign SmileView™

Use Invisalign SmileView technology to see what you would look like after orthodontic treatment! Using Invisalign SmileView is easy and can be used in just a few simple steps while using your iPhone or other mobile device. SmileView creates a singular possibility of what your smile would look like after Invisalign treatment. Your actual results may vary, but the tool provides an excellent example of what is possible. We cannot wait to get started, ready for your first step? Let do it!


Invisalign® is one of the most popular orthodontic treatments available. The clear aligner trays are practically invisible and more comfortable to wear than traditional braces with metal brackets and wires. More than 12 million people have undergone treatment with Invisalign®, and studies show that at least 80% of former Invisalign® patients report having higher confidence levels after treatment.

Invisalign SmileView is a new tool that you access from your mobile device that can show you a simulation of your new smile and help you make a decision about whether Invisalign® treatment is right for you. You just take a selfie and it creates a simulated picture of what your teeth would look like after Invisalign®. Here’s how it works:


 HOW Invisalign® SmileView™ WORKS

  • Check the box to verify you are 13 years of age or older

  • Click on the blue “Take Your Selfie Button”

  • Remove any accessories, such as hats or glasses and look into the camera screen and smile naturally

  • Depending on your phone model, you may have to grant access to the site to your device’s camera

  • Take the photo

  • Choose Use Photo (or Retake, if you don’t like the photo)

  • Wait, and within 60 seconds you will see a simulation of what your smile would look like after Invisalign treatment

  • While you are waiting, fill out the form and Holbert Family Orthodontics will receive your information and reach out to you to schedule your complimentary consultation

Invisalign® is one of the most popular orthodontic treatments available. The clear aligner trays are practically invisible and more comfortable to wear than traditional braces with metal brackets and wires. More than 12 million people have undergone treatment with Invisalign®, and studies show that at least 80% of former Invisalign® patients report having higher confidence levels after treatment.

Invisalign SmileView is a new tool that you access from your mobile device that can show you a simulation of your new smile and help you make a decision about whether Invisalign® treatment is right for you. You just take a selfie and it creates a simulated picture of what your teeth would look like after Invisalign®.

Visualize Your New Smile

If you are currently unhappy with your smile because it is crooked or misaligned, it can sometimes be difficult to imagine your smile any other way. With this tool, you can have an easier time imagining what improvements are possible. If you’re on the fence about using Invisalign®, visualizing your new smile can show what even small improvements can do to transform your smile and appearance. Before you make an investment in orthodontic treatment, you may wonder how much of a difference Invisalign® will actually make in how your smile looks.


Is Invisalign® SmileView Right for Everyone?

Everyone with access to a mobile device can use Invisalign SmileView at no cost to them, as many times as they’d like. However, Invisalign® is not the best treatment option for every single patient. Each patient has a very unique case, with some patients benefiting from one type of orthodontic treatment over another. Only your orthodontist will be able to evaluate your teeth personally and make a recommendation for orthodontic treatment.

Despite that, many patients are great candidates for Invisalign® treatment. This is part of the reason why it is such a popular treatment. There is a good chance that you personally know or have seen people who are currently undergoing treatment with Invisalign®. The Invisalign Smileview tool can help make sure that you are next!

Advantages of Invisalign® SmileView

  • Invisalign SmileView is free and does not require anything from you except a selfie

  • 24/7 access to the service through your smartphone or tablet

  • The ability to visualize what your smile could look like if you choose to undergo Invisalign® treatment

Seeing is believing. Thanks to some powerful technology, we can simulate the outcome of your personal transformation right before your eyes.

The SmileView link will allow you to preview how your straight teeth will look once your treatment is complete. Feel free to try it out.

If you’re unhappy with your smile because you have crooked teeth, you might have thought about getting them straightened. But uncertainty about the results can make you hesitant. What will your smile really look like after orthodontics?

Invisalign hopes to remove some of that uncertainty with its new tool: Invisalign SmileView, which gives you a good idea of what you might look like with straight teeth.