Fir tree | Description, Uses, and Species, about fir | Britannica

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Fir tree | Description, Uses, and Species, about fir | Britannica

Fir tree

Fir Tree Description Fir is an evergreen angular tree. It has 54–56 species. It is a member of the biological clan called Panaceae. Which are mostly found through North and Central America, Europe, Asia, and North Africa. Is found in most hilly areas. Fir can be tall trees from 0 to 80 meters (1 to 240 feet). They are easily identifiable. Their match-like leaves form a thick ball at the place attached to the twig. In terms of botany, they have a deep connection with the cedar tree. It is found in the Himalayan region in the Indian subcontinent.

Leaves Different species are identified based on the shape and arrangement of the leaves, the shape of the cones. In most species, the upper surface of the leaves is uniformly green and shiny, with some without stomata or tip, appearing as white spots. 1/4

In other species, the upper surface of the leaves ranges from dull, brownish-green, or blue-brown to silvery (shiny). Which is a coat by VAT, with variable numbers of staramal bands, and not always continuous it happens. An example species A with shiny green leaves. Is alba, and is an example species with dull waxy leaves.

Some species Abyss castes found in Central, South and Eastern Europe and Asia Minor. 1. Abies Alba - silver fir 2. Abies Nebrodensis - Sicilian 3. Abies Borisii-Regis - Bulgarian 4. Abies Cephalonica - Greek fir 5. Abies Nordmanniana - Nordmann or Caucasian 6. Abies Pinsapo - Spanish 7. Abies Numidica - Algerian 8. Abies Cilicica - Syrian

Balsamia species found in North Asia and North America. 9. Abies Fraseri - Fraser 10. Abies Balsamea - balsam 11. Abies Lasiocarpa - subalpine 12. Abies Sibirica - Siberian 13. Abies Sachalinensis - Sakhalin 14. Abies Koreana - Korean 15. Abies Nephrolepis - Khinghan 16. Abies Veitchii - Veitch

Grandis are species found in northern North America in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador in the Terai in the north, at moderate elevations in the south. 17. Abies Grandis - grand or giant 18. Abies Concolor - white 19. Abies Durangensis - Durango 20. Abies Flinckii - Jalisco 21. Abies Guatemalensis - Guatemalan 22. Abies Vejarii

The waxy species found in East and Central Asia and the Himalayas.


23. Abies Kawakamii - Taiwan 24. Abies Homolepis - Nikko 25. Abies Recurvata - Min fir 26. Abies Firma - Momi 27. Abies Beshanzuensis - Baishanzu 28. Abies Holophylla - Manchurian 29. Abies Chensiensis - Shensi 30. Abies Pindrow - Pindrow 31. Abies Ziyuanensis - Ziyuan

Amabilis species found in the Pacific Coast Mountains in North America and Japan, in areas with high rainfall. 32. Abies amabilis - Pacific silver 33. Abies Mariesii - Maries

Pseudopicia sino - a species found at high altitude in the Himalayan mountains.

34. Abies Delavayi - Delavay 35. Abies Fabri - Faber 36. Abies Forrestii - Forrest 37. Abies Densa - Bhutan 38. Abies Spectabilis - East Himalayan fir 39. Abies Fargesii - Farges 40. Abies Fanjingshanensis - Fanjingshan 41. Abies yuanbaoshanensis - Yuanbaoshan 42. Abies squamata - flaky

Oemel species found at high altitudes in central Mexico. 43. Abies Religiosa - sacred 44. Abies Hickelii - Hickel

Nobilis (the western U.S., high altitudes)

45. Abies Procera - noble fir 46. ​Abies Magnifica - red fir

Bracteata (California coast) 47. Abies bracteata - bristlecone 3/4

Incertae Sedis 48. †Abies Milleri - (Extinct) Early Eocene

Uses FIR wood is used a lot to make paper. Its wood is light and soft and less used for construction. After cutting down the tree, insects easily attack its wood and pierce it. Therefore its wood cannot be used in outdoor things. However, things kept indoors can be made from it.


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