CERN secrets

CERN Secrets And 666- Looking For The Invisible

Sana irfan


CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is preparing to smash particles together once more in order to unveil the secrets of the universe.

The presence of the force has been confirmed by CERN researchers.

Now, we will definitely ask which force? Why is it lacking a specified name! Every force has a scientific name, right? :)

CERN Logo Is 666?

It’s possible that technology created at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (the world’s largest and highest-energy particle collider which is recreating Big Bang matter on earth) will aid the impending European Beast power in fulfilling biblical predictions like Revelation 13:3–4.

However, there are only two loops for sixes–but it’s still fun. CERN is the European Organization for Nuclear Research. Now, neither You nor I believe that CERN, or even 666, is the Beast (Just believe for a while) However, it appears that we both think it’s an odd coincidence that it has a logo that looks like 666.

The European empire is becoming more powerful. And it appears to be the last Beast power of Revelation in many ways. Although the CERN logo is unimportant in and of itself, it is another factor to ponder, as I continue to believe that CERN and/or its Large Hadron Collider will generate a unique military capability(Point to ponder: Elon Musk Superhuman Cognition)for the Europeans.

Scientists and the Ruling class ( Rulers always want to Rule, Isn’t it?) are attempting to conceal the truth about what happened at Cern

CERN is getting ready to make a big announcement: they’ve discovered something inside the massive hadron collider’s collisions.
I’ve talked a lot about CERN, and I believe the Illuminati is celebrating the opening of the fifth dimension, which is one that exists outside of space and time.

CERN is attempting to bring the presence of demons, and possibly even the Devil himself, into the realm of reality. Smashing particles at the speed of light, in my opinion, is an attack against God, and as we all know, without light, there would be no life, no earth, and possibly no moon.

CERN is also credited for inventing the internet, which today spans the globe.
The internet has now engulfed every aspect of existence.
Everything is interconnected. The human body is the last thing that is not wired.
Implantable devices are required to connect the human body to the internet. Because every human must become a literal part of the WWW, which is 666, obligatory chipping will become a reality.

Before committing suicide, Dr. Edward Mantill, a physicist at CERN, spoke these words

Dr. Mantill was discovered dead in his office on July 13, 2016, after a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The renowned physicist was looking for a hidden code in the passage of neutrinos from the north to south magnetic poles.

His colleague claimed the Dr. hadn’t slept in days after supposedly abandoning his studies and shutting himself off in his office, and that after a few days of not showing up for appointments, he was found mortally wounded in his office. All of his studies had been burned in his garbage bin, and his computer had been wiped clean save for one text file.
The rest of the narrative, as well as what the doctor has to say about CERN’s discoveries, may be found here in this video.

Now, If you want to know more, how things are interconnected? Portals, Time Travel, Aliens or extraterrestrial existence, Mark of the Beast 666, Illuminatis, Elite class(Bill Gates, Rockefellers, etc), W.H.O, CERN, Area-51, Microsoft patent number, Covid, Vaccines, Implanted chips, and more facts that are coming soon.

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