
Barnsley’s Fern

Barnsley’s Fern: This is an example of a Directed Graph Iterated Function System (Digraph IFS). The image is generated by randomly selecting transformations which jump to different points on the fern.
(* runtime: 7 seconds *)
n = 275; p = {0, 0}; image = Table[0, {n}, {n}];
Do[x = Random[Integer, 99]; p = Which[x < 3, {{0, 0}, {0, 0.16}}.p,x < 76, {{0.85, 0.04}, {-0.04, 0.85}}.p + {0, 1.6}, x <89, {{0.2, -0.26}, {0.23, 0.22}}.p + {0, 1.6}, True, {{-0.15, 0.28}, {0.26, 0.24}}.p + {0, 0.44}]; image[[Floor[n(p[[1]]/10 + 0.5)] + 1, Floor[n p[[2]]/10] + 1]]++, {100000}];
Show[Graphics[RasterArray[Map[RGBColor[0, 1 - Exp[-0.1#], 0] &, image, {2}]], AspectRatio -> 1]];


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