Tag Archives: Wheat Belly Cook Book

5 Top Primed Stories for 2015

I am delighted that the Primed for your Life Lifestyle is helping people improve their lives worldwide. The Primed posts are read in over 140 countries with Primed clients in countries such as Canada, Australia, UAE, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines and a host of others.

Here are the Top 5 articles this year with a special thanks to cardiologist and New York Times best selling author Dr. William Davis for sharing many articles on his Wheat Belly facebook page.

1. Wheat baby! The Painful Condition of Accidentally Eating Grains/Gluten Once Off It

Wheat Baby10

Thanks also to my beautiful and talented tummy model.

Once you give up grains/wheat you CANNOT go back because once the “poison” is out of your system your body will react badly if this “poison” is reintroduced. This is surely proof positive that these grains are “poison” to your system.

2. Cheat in your Triathlon and you are cheating more than just yourself

“The truly scary thing about undiscovered lies is that they have a greater capacity to diminish us than exposed ones. They erode our strength, our self-esteem, our very foundation.” ― Cheryl Hughes
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5 Ways Your Excessive Sporting Activities Could Harm You and Your Family

Is your pursuit of health hurting you and your family?

Are you spending lots of time away from your loved ones running and biking around in circles? Are you promoting cheap, processed carbs (sugar in your body) as a healthy way to “fuel” your excessive cardio? Are you chugging sugarade thinking it is good for you? If so, your children are watching and will probably copy your endeavor to be healthy that is more than likely not going to succeed in the long term.


The reason it is likely to be a failed endeavor long term is that proper health starts in the kitchen with exercise just a mere 2% of the equation. The smartest and healthiest minds on the planet are echoing these words and many people have tried and failed at the exercise more, eat less (or eat more carbs) model.

Please remember the real benefit of exercise and do not try and use it as a means of controlling your weight:

Running safety tips 1

The reason for your exercise is many factorial and could include: for fun, fitness, building strength, relaxation, stress relief, camaraderie, sense of achievement or even a little “me time”. It should never be at the expense of your health, sleep or even your family. It should never be done in a poor environment.

5 Ways Your Excessive Exercise Could Be Harming Your Family (Besides Yourself)

1. Time:

Anything lost can be found again except for time wasted!

If you are training too often then it is at the expense of time you could have spent with your family, cooking, recovering, learning a new skill or doing something you really love doing. This is where true enjoyment of life and living comes from.


You would be far better off spending time cooking and learning new recipes such as those in the cool cook book from Dr. William Davis of Wheat Belly fame.

Continue reading 5 Ways Your Excessive Sporting Activities Could Harm You and Your Family

Podium at Run United Philippine Marathon with the Primed Lifestyle

I achieved my first ever running trophy a mere 6 days after my 47th birthday. Yippie. I had fun at the Run United Philippine Marathon and managed 2nd place for the Foreign Category! I did not know there was one but happy there was.


I ran my marathon in 3:56 or so and was happy seeing I started with slightly tired legs from using my stand up desk too much on Friday (rookie mistake) as I prepared for my La Salle school Primed presentation.

Pre-Race Nutrition

I ensured I ate lots of eggs with some cream cheese, nuts, kimchi, green veg and coconut oil in the lead up to the marathon. I even had a double shot of Olive Oil. Delicious.

I definitely avoided all grains of course, had no sugar in fruit etc. and tracked my blood sugar so it was 4.2 mmol/L (76 mg/dl) at midnight before the 2am race start. I wanted to ensure I was in full fat burning mode for the race. I did not test my ketones but I am guessing they would have been relatively high.

Blood Sugar Monitor

Of course I wanted to have access to my 50,000 calorie fat tank and not a tiny 2,000 calorie sugar tank.

MIM 2015 fat vs sugar
Continue reading Podium at Run United Philippine Marathon with the Primed Lifestyle

10 Reasons You Don’t Need To Do An Ironman Triathlon

I confess that as a four time Ironman and many time marathoner I enjoy doing these extreme activities. I enjoy the training, the camaraderie involved with my fellow competitors and especially the feeling as I cross the finish line. I also enjoy reliving the memories and using that for mental strength when times get tough.

I know that this type of activity is not for everyone and it is not necessary to be so extreme to be happy and healthy. Indeed, doing these activities sometimes leads to burnout and damage to your health if you push yourself too hard (using pain killing drugs) and train too much.

To be fit and healthy a lot of people believe that exercise is just 20% of the equation. Nutrition (the 4th discipline of triathlon) is around 80%. Sleep, sunshine, your state of mind and stress are also important factors in your health.


Here are 10 Reasons Not To Do An Ironman to be Fit, Vital and Healthy

1. It Takes Lot of Time

Training for an Ironman can involve a lot of training and dedication which does take up a lot of your time. I have successfully completed my past 2 Ironman events on less than 10 hours training per week so you do not have to train excessively to finish.

The excessive time spent training could well be time you could have spent with your family, reading a good book, relaxing with friends or working on improving your mind and body more effectively.

Some great books to read include Keto Clarity by Jimmy Moore and Dr. Eric Westman, Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis and Grain Brain by David Perlmutter M.D.

Continue reading 10 Reasons You Don’t Need To Do An Ironman Triathlon

Ironwoman Berns Tan Personal Best by 1 hour plus with a Primed Lifestyle

One of my idols is Berns Tan. A wonderfully talented lady who smashed her Ironman personal best by more than 1 hour after adopting the Primed for your Life/Wheat Belly/LCHF lifestyle.

So, how did Berns go from a 13:17:58 Ironman Malaysia on September 27th 2014 to a 12:15:15 Ironman Taiwan on April 12th less than 7 months later?

Berns adopted the Primed Lifestyle which is very similar to the Wheat Belly Lifestyle of Dr. William Davis where grains, sugar, processed foods and vegetable oils are eliminated in favor of more nutritious, real foods that do not spike your blood sugars nor cause inflammation.

It is all about optimally fueling your mind and body.

Berns Tan Ironman4

Questions and Answers with Ironwoman Berns Tan

What were the main reasons for you smashing one hour off your Ironman personal best?

★ I was able to shed off 3-4lbs of body weight even when I was eating my favorite food – meat. However, like you said, not too much meat but less cheap carbs (like bread, pasta, rice, noodles, white potatoes) and more quality fats like olive and coconut oil.

How was your energy during Ironman Taiwan?

★ Sustained energy all throughout the race. I only needed a quarter of the amount of energy gel (Home-made Primed of course) that I took on my previous full Ironman in Malaysia. I even walked 5km to my hotel after the race 😉

How was your recovery?
Continue reading Ironwoman Berns Tan Personal Best by 1 hour plus with a Primed Lifestyle

Wheat baby! The Painful Condition of Accidentally Eating Grains/Gluten Once Off It

The Primed Lifestyle is about eating real, nutritious food to optimally feed your body and brain. GMO, highly processed foods should not be part of a healthy lifestyle as they cause inflammation, spike blood sugars and insulin (those promoting early aging) and are addictive appetite stimulating “poison” that humans and many animals (such as your dog) are poorly adapted to digesting.

Wheat Baby pain

Once you give up grains/wheat you CANNOT go back because once the “poison” is out of your system your body will react badly if this “poison” is reintroduced. This is surely proof positive that these grains are “poison” to your system.

Wheat Baby

My wonderfully slim and fit Primed client’s wife accidentally had gluten in some Thai food and her normally tight and terrific tummy became 3 months “pregnant” with a “wheat baby”.

I personally got intense stomach cramps when I had just a tablespoon of cous cous. Never again.

Wheat Belly's Wheat Baby

From the wonderful facebook page of Dr. William Davis called Wheat Belly (named after his NY Times best seller):

Stacey couldn’t resist and wanted to see what would happen when she re-exposed herself to wheat/grains after being free of them. Look what happened! See featured image above.

“I’ve been 100% grain-free for about a month and I did something stupid and tested the before and after results. I’m appalled and amazed at how bloated a little wheat made me. These pictures were taken 15 mins apart!
Continue reading Wheat baby! The Painful Condition of Accidentally Eating Grains/Gluten Once Off It

160km Ultra Marathon on Olive Oil & Nuts – Well Done Primed Low Carb Champion Rose

Primed for your Life is what Rose Betonio is. Not only did she win her 160km ultra marathon on olive oil and nuts (no processed carbs at all) but Rose was fully recovered by the following day (except for sore lips) when her competitors were still sore and limping.

Rose fi

The reason Primed/Paleo/LCHF/Wheat Belly Lifestyle is on everyone’s lips at the moment is because so many people want to be healthier and are realizing that there is no magic pill, no healing potion and not even running ultra marathons will get you healthy. Sometimes doing too much exercise makes things worse.

However, in the case of running machine Rose Betonio she found a good food formula to augment her love of running.

Rose’s new Primed Lifestyle allows Rose to run fast, recover faster and still be a healthy, dynamic and energetic person with a killer smile!

Rose Benito

The Primed for your Life Lifestyle is basically a delicious recipe of paleo real food principles, Mark Sisson’s Primal Blueprint, Lower Carb with Higher Healthy Fat/LCHF together with the Wheat Belly Lifestyle where individuals discover what real food ingredients work best for them whilst avoiding modern toxins like grains, sugar and veg oil.
Continue reading 160km Ultra Marathon on Olive Oil & Nuts – Well Done Primed Low Carb Champion Rose