Rare & Unpopular Hetalia Opinions

“It makes me a bit upset that micronations like Sealand or Wy are mentioned a lot in the canon compared to countries with an interesting history like Portugal, Romania or Bulgaria.“
I disagree with this one. I think Wy barely gets any mention in the...
“It makes me a bit upset that micronations like Sealand or Wy are mentioned a lot in the canon compared to countries with an interesting history like Portugal, Romania or Bulgaria.“
I disagree with this one. I think Wy barely gets any mention in the...

“It makes me a bit upset that micronations like Sealand or Wy are mentioned a lot in the canon compared to countries with an interesting history like Portugal, Romania or Bulgaria.“

I disagree with this one.  I think Wy barely gets any mention in the canon.  Hell, what about the other micronations? Seborga? Molossia? Kugelmugel? Hutt River? Niko Niko who has the interesting predicament of actually being a human with a family now?

The only time I can recall them getting a mention in canon was that one strip where Sealand wanted to make new friends.  Sealand himself, however, does get more exposure compared to the rest of them because he’s involved with both England and the Nordics.

However, the micronations are never seen in the World Stars strips.   In fact, World Stars features Portugal quite a lot where he interacts with SpainSeychelles, France, Netherlands, and Macau as well as getting a picture with England (that’s quite inaccurate).  Romania is seen interacting with the Italy brothers.

If anything, the only one that the above statement is valid to is Bulgaria who doesn’t even have a chibi design (or at least, I cannot find a canon one).

- Mod V