Tipli - The Wonder Tea (Pack of 2)
Tipli - The Wonder Tea (Pack of 2)

Tipli - The Wonder Tea (Pack of 2)

Regular price Rs. 150.00 Sale

Product Description: Tipli Tea is made out of Tipli plant which is good for rejuvenation and general health. It's excellent for a cough, cold, and sour throat. The Tipli Tea is recommended both in morning and evening. We call it the wonder tea because good things in life are rarely both tasty and healthy.

Q Factor: An all natural tea, Tipli Tea is rich with nutritional benefits. 

Benefits: Tipli is a wonder Ayurvedic plant which helps in improving general health. Tipli helps in metabolic well-being and boosts energy levels. It also helps in curing cough, common cold, and sore thought.

Available As: Tea paste that can be mixed with water.

Ingredients: Medicinal Pepper, handpicked Tipli herbs and Herbal Sweetener

Usage: Just add one teaspoon of this wonder tea to boiling water, add fresh lime and honey. Stir till everything is dissolved.

Expiry: 6 months from the date of manufacture.