Interior Design Day 3: Adjusting Perspective to Add Texture to Floors and Walls

Today’s essential question: How can I use various features in the transform tool (perspective, distort, scale) to add detail to my floor and walls?

Today we will download the blank room source file and begin building our rooms in Photoshop.

Download the Blank Room Source File

  1. Log into your school Google Drive.
  2. Click on “Shared with Me” on the left column.
  3. Right click on “empty-room-source-file.jpg” and select “Download.”

OR Click here to download the file. (You must be logged into your school Google account to be able to access it.)

How to Add a Texture to Your Floor Using the Perspective Tool

  1. Drag your floor texture into your room (do not use the “place” feature!)
  2. Edit-> Transform -> Scale. Scale your floor so it fills the space below where the floor meets the wall. (This is one time that it is ok not to hold down shift, because distorting the dimensions of the floor texture in this step might actually make it look more realistic later.)
  3. Edit -> Transform -> Perspective.
    Drag the front corners of the floor outward to transform your floor so it has the correct dimensions.
  4. If your floor still feels a bit off, you can adjust individual points by going to Edit -> Transform -> Distort.

How to Add a Texture to Your Walls Using the Perspective Tool

You can use these same tools to add texture to the wall.

  1. Drag your wall texture image into the room file and use the perspective, transform, and distort tools to make it look like it fits on the wall:
  2. Once the first wall looks correct, you can duplicate the layer (Layer->Duplicate Layer), and flip it (Edit -> Transform -> Flip Horizontal) and then move it to the other side of the room.
  3. Duplicating layers will also help you fill the back wall. For example, simply scaling the image on the back wall may look strange if you force the bricks to fit the space.
  4. However, you can scale the image to be the appropriate height (Edit -> Transform -> Scale).
    Once again, it may be ok to distort the dimensions of the image in this case.
    Then duplicate the layer (Layer -> Duplicate Layer).
    Flip the image so you will have a seamless tile (Edit -> Transform -> Flip Horizontal) and move the image so it connects with your other layer.
  5. At the bottom of your layers palette, click on the folder icon folder_icon to make a new folder.
    Name it “brick wall”.
    Drag all the brick layers into this folder. That will help keep your layers organized.

Further uses for the perspective/distort tools:

  • make a poster, framed picture, or mirror look like it is hanging on one of the side walls
  • add windows to one of the side walls

Today we will:

  • Begin dragging images into our room and using the perspective and distort tools to make them look like they realistically belong in the room.  Make sure you name your layers!
  • Save our image as BOTH PSD and a PNG
  • Upload the PSD and PNGs to our shared Google Drive foldes
  • Create a new blog post with a PNG our progress

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