01/7What you must avoid after consuming Paan

Betel leaves possess immense therapeutic potential, which is mentioned in the ancient Ayurvedic manuscripts of Charaka Samhita, and Sushruta Samhita. They harbour a characteristic Tikta and Katu Rasa i.e. bitter and pungent taste and generate warmth in the body, with a strong Ushna Virya or potency. Moreover, these green bounties are blessed with Kshara guna i.e. an alkaline quality, that effectively neutralizes pH imbalances in the stomach and intestines, to vastly improve digestive health. They can easily be incorporated into the diet or consumed as pastes, powders, and juices, to enhance metabolism, thanks to their Laghu Gunas of being light to assimilate in the body. They help to raise the Pitta doshas, while balancing the Vata and Kapha elements, to maintain tridoshic harmony in the system. Often, we consume paan keeping in mind the taste. Paan is not only tasty but healthy too. But, do you know there are so many things which we should not consume after paan? From water to medicines to milk, we will tell you all that must be avoided after consuming betel leaf. Read to know more about such things… (Images courtesy: Canva)



One should not consume milk after eating paan. Consuming milk after paan can cause dental problems and digestive problems.



A person should not consume medicines after eating paan. If you consume any medicines after paan, it can cause several health issues such as headaches and stomach pain.



Any kind of juice must be avoided after eating paan as it spoils the oral health of a person.



If you consume spices after eating paan, it can cause digestive issues like constipation.


06/7Cold water

Cold water
Consuming paan leaves a cold effect on the mouth and chest, and if you consume cold water just after this, it can cause breathlessness and choking problems. It is also said that cold water can cause ulcers too.


07/7Cold foods

Cold foods
Foods that have a cold effect on the stomach and chest must be avoided, as it can cause stomach problems for a person.
