Man in shirt

​​​​​​​István György Tóth

Director, Tárki Social Research

István György Tóth is the Director of Tárki Social Research Institute in Hungary. He was lead researcher in a number of comparative research projects on social structure and inequalities in Europe, including Growing Inequalities Impacts (GINI), Poverty Reduction in Europe: Social Policy and Innovation (ImPRovE) and Inclusive Growth Research Infrastructure Diffusion (InGRID). In the latter one (which continues as InGRID2), he lead a research pillar on development of research infrastructures for poverty and living conditions surveys and indicators. Since its start, he directs the Tárki Household Monitor Survey (started as Hungarian Household Panel Study). He oversees Tárki participation in in various international projects like International Social Survey Program, World Values Survey and he was member of the international questionnaire design team responsible for new questionnaire module of the European Social Survey. He is member of the Advisory Board to the Luxembourg Income Study and served in various Hungarian academic committees, editorial and advisory boards. Recently published in Handbook of research on economic and social well-being by Edward Elgar, Handbook of Income Distribution by Elsevier-North Holland and in large compendiums on inequality by Oxford University Press and Stanford University Press, on middle classes by Edward Elgar. He authors and co-edits the biannual Hungarian Social Reports series