19 Creepiest Sports Mascots That I Wish Didn't Exist

    Hide the children. Save the children.

    "Masklophobia" is the fear of masks, people in costumed clothing, and mascots...yes, mascots.

    Here's a ranking of the scariest mascots in the biz:

    19. This mascot is not smiling...he's screaming.

    18. Sluggerrr is gripping his towel the way he grips his blunt objects, ready to strike.

    Royals' lion mascot wielding a flag.

    17. The Coyote's lifeless eyes will cast a spell on you.

    Coyote mascot looking ahead.

    16. G-Wiz is pointing at his next potential victim.

    G-Wiz pointing to camera

    15. Fin the Whale always looks angry, and he is coming for you.

    14. You're alone in a hallway. You hear footsteps. Behind you is Swinging Friar running at full speed. What do you do?

    Swinging Friar running down a hallway.

    13. This is Pierre the Pelican after he got a facelift...and he is still horrifying.

    12. Youppi has googly eyes, so you never know when he is looking at you.

    Youppi by a staircase.

    11. Mariner Moose, out of Seattle, is either hugging or attacking this reporter. You decide.

    Moose hugging reporter.

    10. The Phillie Phanatic looks like he is part of a nightmare sequence in Winnie-the-Pooh.

    Phillie Phanatic behind a baseball net.

    9. The Suns' Gorilla looks like if Michael Myers lost his mask, found a gorilla costume, and somehow convinced an organization in Phoenix that it would make sense to have a freaky-looking ape as a mascot for the Suns.

    Suns' Gorilla holding a towel

    8. They went for Chewbacca but got Squatch.

    Squatch on a skateboard

    7. Temoc looks like every guy you went to school with and asked, "If I jumped off that, do you think I'd get hurt?"

    6. I don't know what the hell Big Red is supposed to be, but we should lock it away forever and never talk about it again.

    5. The Utah Jazz Bear likes to watch...you...when you are unaware.

    4. Captain Fear has a face only a Floridian could love.

    Captain Fear gawking.

    3. WuShock looks like he always asks, "Do you have more full-body pics?" when he's on Instagram.

    2. Gritty looks like the type of mascot who would say, "I'm not saying human flesh looks good, but I'm just saying..."

    Gritty staring.

    1. The Stanford Tree is eco-friendly but not human-friendly.

    Multi-colored tree mascot

    Which one did you find the creepiest? Comment below or one of these mascots will appear under your bed tonight.