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CITESwoodID: descriptions, illustrations, identification and information retrieval

H.G. Richter, K. Gembruch, G. Koch

Pilgerodendron uviferum (Ciprés de las Guaitecas) - CITES I

Nomenclature. Family: CUPRESSACEAE. Synonym(s): Juniperus uvifera, Libocedrus tetragona, Thuja tetragona. Further trade and local names: ciprés de las islas, ciprés, len, lahuán (CH); ten (AR). Code according to DIN EN 13556: none.

CITES(EU) status of protection. Listed in Annex I(A).

Similar timbers. Almost all species of the families Cupressaceae and Podocarpaceae from temperate climate zones.

Geographic distribution. Temperate South America. Chile, Argentina.

Growth rings, colour, grain, etc. Growth ring boundaries distinct; transition from earlywood to latewood abrupt. Heartwood basically brown, yellow (pale brown with a yellowish hue). Sapwood somewhat distinct from heartwood colour. Odour distinct (aromatic). Wood light weight and soft, or of medium weight (0.40–0.42–0.48 g/cm3). Interlocked grain absent.

Hardwood vs softwood. Vessels (pores) absent (= softwood).

Rays. Rays narrow. Large rays commonly less than 1 mm high.

Resin canals. Normal resin canals absent.

Physical and chemical tests. Heartwood not fluorescent. Water extract not fluorescent; colour shade of water extract colourless to brown. Ethanol extract not fluorescent; colour shade of ethanol extract colourless to brown. Froth test negative. For the "burning splinter test" sufficient material was not available; therefore these characters are not coded.

Additional information. • Transverse section + wood surface. Transverse section ca. 10x. Tangential surface, natural size.

The interactive key allows access to the character list, illustrations, full and partial descriptions, diagnostic descriptions, differences and similarities between taxa, lists of taxa exhibiting specified attributes, summaries of attributes within groups of taxa, and geographical distribution.

Cite this publication as: ‘Richter, H.G., Gembruch, K., and Koch, G. 2014 onwards. CITESwoodID: descriptions, illustrations, identification, and information retrieval. In English, French, German, and Spanish. Version: 4th April 2023.’.
