Texas Tech University

Siberian Elm

Ulmus pumila

(Detailed plant information can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Ulmus pumila

Ulmus pumila Photo Gallery

Ulmus pumila Plant Information

Scientific Name: Ulmus pumila
Common Name: Siberian elm
Family: Ulmaceae
Suggested Uses: weed tree that should not be used in most landscape situations
Height: up to 60 feet tall
Spread: 40 feet wide
Foliage: alternate and deciduous

doubly serrated with inequalateral base
Flower: inconspicuous
Bloom Period: mid-Spring (March)
Fruit: samara in Spring
Bark: light or dark brown

ridged and furrowed
Water: drought-tolerant
Soil: tolerates poor soil
USDA Zone: zones 4 - 9
Maintenance: invasive roots, short lived, and canopy die back due to weak wood
Pests & Pathology: will get slime flux (wet wood) and the elm leaf beetle can be a problem on the leaves

resistant to Dutch elm disease
Additional Notes: short lived weed tree that should be avoided in the landscape

will grow just about anywhere, and has been used to excess in many areas

has a black, rounded vegetative bud (not to be confused with the small, pointed vegetative bud of U. parvifolia)

TTU Plant Resources