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Picea engelmannii Photo Gallery 2010

A great looking spruce, often featuring blue-green hues and a neat, compact appearance. I don't have many cultivars so I'm really hoping some of you who do will share some of your plants as well:

Picea engelmannii 'Bush's Lace'. A very nice moderately weeping tree. Eventually grows at a tremendous rate(up to 3' a year) but always impresses with the silvery-blue new growth and the delicately weeping form.

'Blue Magoo'. I need also to refer to a larger picture of this cultivar, because it's a beaute for sure. First my own little guy:

And a ten-year old(roughly) specimen:

'Snake'. A highly unusual and rare conifer, grows slowly for me and NO side leaders at all, in five years of growth so sign of any side branching.

'Compacta'. A nice cultivar for those with relatively limited space, grows about 4-6" a year with a great turqouise-blue color.


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