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New Zealand Kea Parrot (Nestor notabilis)

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"Named by Maori for the sound of its call, the kea (Nestor notabilis) is endemic to the Southern Alps of New Zealand and is the world’s only mountain parrot. These sociable and highly intelligent birds are well adapted to their harsh environment. Unfortunately, the traits that kea developed for survival, their curiosity and omnivorous appetite, have created conflict with humans over the last 150 years. Persecution and predation have sorely depleted numbers and, with only a few thousand birds remaining, the kea is a Nationally Endangered species."

I added these links just in case other Jigidi puzzlers would enjoy reading articles and watching Youtube videos of the Kea. There are so many entertaining ones; unfortunately, I had to stop!
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  1. hsv188710:36
  2. pampathere10:42
  3. GodIsFaithful15:28
  4. selyse15:58
  5. Momonona16:43
  6. clirette07hotmailcom17:12
  7. Loreen00117:18
  8. pegboard17:29
  9. maferri17:37
  10. solveme18:06


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Cyndi, you are so welcome. From Doug's comment we now know that the info was not an exaggeration! What a wonderful world!


Doug, thank you so much for sharing your Kea stories. How amazing! I live in North America and doubt I will ever visit New Zealand. So, reading your stories was a special treat for me.


Magnificent! I have two Kea stories.
The first has to do with motorbike seats being ripped apart by Keas in Arthurs Pass. They became quite notorious for this in the days when many impoverished climbers used motorcycles to get to and from the peaks.
The second is the experience my wife and I had when we arrived at the Colin Todd Hut in preparation for an ascent of Mt Aspiring the next day. Someone had left the door to the dunny open and Keas had got inside, ripped out the toilet seat and scattered excrement and toilet paper all over the surrounding area. Yes, they are mischievous!


Breathtakingly beautiful bird and picture. Thank you for all the info above. I will definitely do some researching on this Parrot. Another great find Z.....cyndi

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