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Southern corner of Colombia - Leticia and Puerto Nariño

(8) days(s)

Leticia is a port town located on the shore of the mighty Amazon river right at the triple border between Colombia, Brazil and Perú. It combines great terra firme and varzea forest but specially it holds an amazing diversity of river island specialties restricted to the amazon rivers. Not only is the birding great but it is a great opportunity to learn how people leave on the shores of such a massive and changing river such as the Amazon, plus the fruit and juice diversity is simply on another level.

Animals you might see on this tour

Leaden Antwren


Day 1.- Arrival to Bogotá

Arrival to the city of Bogotá and transfer to the hotel. 

Night at Bogotá

Day 2.- Travel to Leticia

Normally the flights to Leticia start in the late morning, so its likely that we arrive to Leticia around 2pm to enjoy a nice Pirarucú lunch. At dusk we will head to Leticia's main square to enjoy how thousands of White-winged Parakeets come to roost right on the square trees. If we visiting during June and September, we will witness thousands of Southern Martins joining the parakeets on their roost. Also, Orange-breasted Falcons are regulars hunting for roosting birds. 

Day 3.- Isla Fantasía

After an early breakfast, we will visit the nearby Isla Fantasia, a mature river island full of river specialist such Black-and-white Antbird, Castelnau’s Antshrike, Plain-breasted Piculet, Orange-headed Tanager, Pearly-breasted Conebill, Red-and-white Spinetail, Ash-breasted Antbird, both Lesser and Pale-bellied Hornero, Olive-spotted Hummingbird and with some luck Lesser Wagtail-Tyrant. During the austral migration White-throated Kingbirds are all over the place. 


Night at Leticia

Day 4.- Km7 Terra firme Trail

Today we have another early breakfast before heading to the Km7 trail, a 5km terra firme forest trail that leads to an  indigenous settlement. In this area we will be looking for forest species like Slate-colored Antbird, Black-bellied Cuckoo, Ruddy Spinetail, Cream-colored Woodpecker, Chestnut-capped Puffbird, Short-billed Honeycreeper.

Night at Leticia

Day 5.-Puerto Nariño

This morning is all about river island specialist, focusing on some young or recent islands on the boat ride between Leticia and the town of Puerto Narino, searching for species like Parker’s Spinetail, Sclater’s Tyrant, River Tyrannulet, Little Ground-Tyrant and White-bellied Spinetail. If the river level is low enough, it is very likely that we encounter groups of Sand-colored Nighthawks roosting on the ground as well of good numbers of both Large-billed Tern and Yellow-billed Tern on the ground. 

Puerto Narino is a town without roads and without any vehicle besides boats, so no cars or motorcycles, meaning we will be walking the town surroundings looking for the recently found for Colombia Band-tailed Antbird with Black-fronted Nunbird, Black-crested Antbird (Loretoyacu race), Bare-necked Fruitcrow, Spotted Tody-Flycatcher, Plum-throated Cotinga and Varzea Thrush. At dusk, Tui Parakeet and Short-tailed Parrots are all over the place. 

Night at Puerto Narino

Day 6.- Laguna Tarapoto

With the first lights we take the boat towards the Laguna Tarapoto a big oxbow, birding from the boat searching for Dark-breasted Spinetail, Gray-chested Greenlet, Long-necked Woodcreeper, Leaden Antwren, Zimmer’s Woodcreeper, Rusty-backed Spinetail and maybe an Agami Heron. We will also explore some varzea forest trails to look for Plumbeous Antbir, Johanne’s Tody-Flycatcher, Yellow-crowned Elaenia, Varzea Schiffornis, Pheasant Cuckoo and recently addition to the colombia list, Blac-tailed Antbird. 

We spend the afternoon in town looking for two enigmatic icterids, Helmeted Cacique and Band-tailed Cacique, which are regular in the outskirts of the town. At nightfall, we could try the Tawny-bellied Screech-Owl. 

Night at Puerto Narino

Day 7.- Puerto Narino surroundings and boat ride back to Leticia

Birding in the morning around town catching up with any missing target before making the boat ride back to Leticia. If we are visiting in the rainy season, we could try searching for the island-specialist Wattled Curassow climb on the trees avoiding the flooded areas.  

Night at Leticia

Day 8.-Birding in Leticia and flight back to Bogotá

Morning birding around Leticia before taking our flight back to Bogotá.