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'Twilight' poster shows Bella, Edward and Jacob running awkwardly

They don't exactly look natural. A new poster for next month's final "Twilight" movie, "Breaking Dawn Part 2," shows new vampire Bella, her husband Edward, and their shapeshifting wolf pal Jacob, racing towards the camera, presumably to attack. And ... they're looking a little awkward.

courtesy Summit Entertainment

The trio in motion do not exactly resemble Olympian track stars. In a tweet, Total Film asked if the poster offered "the most awkward fake running ever?" A reader responded by dubbing it "more like fake speed-walking."

Another person asked, "the guy on the left...Is he skipping?" And another cracked, "looks like this was taken while the cast was going on a relaxed jog."

The poster may not thrill everyone, but fans are still lining up for tickets. reports that over a million dollars worth of advance tickets were sold on the first day of sale. Pretty good for a film that still doesn't open until Nov. 16.

And ever since the public brouhaha about Kristen Stewart cheating on "Twilight" husband and real-life beau Robert Pattinson broke, nosy fans have been wondering just how exactly the two are going to promote a film together. According to an E! News source, the two have been seen together at Soho House, a members-only restaurant and bar in West Hollywood, Calif.

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