Taking a bow: Gallery owner Charlotte Jackson

Charlotte Jackson, photo Luke E. Montavon/The New Mexican

There is something regal about Charlotte Jackson, who is perched confidently at the large glass desk that dominates her bright, minimalist gallery office. Sharply dressed in her idiosyncratic black outfit, with her characteristic pageboy haircut, her style is her own, and it’s reflected in the clean, contemporary feel of the gallery space and the work she shows. Charlotte Jackson Fine Art, (554 S. Guadalupe St., 505-989-8688, charlottejackson.com), has been at this location since 2010, but Jackson and her business have been a staple of the Santa Fe art scene for 30 years.

“I started where the Merrill Lynch building is on Marcy Street, on the second floor,” says the 70-year-old gallerist. “It was just a little space.” She came to New Mexico in the early 1980s with no intention of opening her own gallery. “I grew up in Manhattan with all the wonderful things that New York has to offer,” says Jackson, a one-time artist who used to teach ceramics at Staten Island Community College. “I realized it was not my calling.”

Jackson was in the museum field before coming to New Mexico, mostly in development. “I realized that I was really good at raising money,” she says. In the late 1970s and early ’80s, she worked with a headhunter who secured her some positions at places that, if you know Jackson, don’t seem like a good fit at all. Doing PR for the New York Jets, for instance.

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