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A guide to Iguazú Falls: when to go, how to visit and what to expect

You’ve seen it on TV, in film, and in hundreds of photographs, but nothing prepares you for the spectacle that awaits at the world-famous Iguazú Falls. So, leave your camera in your hotel room and go soak up these spectacular falls: you’re going to get very wet.

The Times

There must be something in the water. Iguazú Falls greets visitors with hallucinogenic vibrance. Toucans soar, and kaleidoscopic flutters of butterflies flit in psychedelic swarms before verdant rainforests strung with delicate orchids, while brilliant rainbows dive from boiling precipices into ivory fog and foam.

It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve seen it reproduced in pictures, Iguazú Falls indelibly slathers the mental canvas with vivid, impressionistic strokes that are impossible to forge.

Nowhere but here can you feel your bones reverberate as you stare straight down into the roaring Devil’s Throat, known in Spanish as Garganta del Diablo. The most arresting sight at Iguazú, the Devil’s Throat waterfall is a thunderous maelstrom in which 64,000 cubic feet of water per second surges over a horseshoe-shaped cliff into what appears to be a bottomless abyss: a void of nebulous mist that rises and billows heavenward as a spectre of spectra.

Main photo: Iguazú Falls (Getty Images)

Brazil or Argentina: which side of Iguazú Falls should I visit?

Situated on the Iguazú River, the awesome cataracts of Iguazú Falls form part of the natural border separating Argentina and Brazil. Iguaçu National Park on the Brazilian side (entry: R$ 80 BRL / £11 GBP), and Iguazú National Park in Argentina (entry: $2,000 ARS / £19 GBP) both offer stunning views and tours of surely the most beautiful waterfalls in the world.


So should you explore the Brazil side of the falls, or should you instead visit Iguazú from the Argentinian side?

The short answer is both. Around 80% of the falls lie in Argentina with the remaining 20% on the Brazilian side, but each country offers a unique perspective of this stunning spectacle, so you should ideally take at least a day tour on each side.

The Argentinian side’s the place for an up-close and visceral experience of the falls, with spray-drenched speedboat rides beneath the roaring torrents, and suspended walkways taking you right to the very edge of the Devil’s Throat and beyond. The Brazilian side offers perspective. Spectacular, panoramic views of Iguazú Falls make it the perfect place to take photographs and get a sense of its scope and scale, without getting your camera drenched.

How to get to Iguazú Falls

The falls are located in remote corners of both Brazil and Argentina. To get to Iguazú Falls you’ll need to travel to either the town of Foz do Iguaçu in Brazil, or Puerto Iguazú on the Argentine side of the border. You can get a very comfortable, fully reclining coach seat for the 16-hour bus trip from Buenos Aires to Puerto Iguazú, but with airports serving each town, in most cases it’s quickest and easiest to fly.

Foz do Iguaçu Airport (IGU) is located around seven miles from the town centre, served by taxis and regular buses. Cataratas del Iguazú International Airport (IGR) in Argentina is 10 miles from Puerto Iguazú and is also well connected


If your trip to Iguazú Falls is part of a holiday in either Argentina or Brazil, then you’re better off staying each night in the town in which you’ve arrived rather than taking your luggage across the border when visiting the other side. If you’re arriving from the UK though, Foz do Iguaçu is the larger of the two towns and offers more choices for accommodation, dining and nightlife.

If you happen to be in Paraguay you can also visit the falls from the country’s easternmost city, Ciudad del Este, which is served by Guarani International Airport (AGT). From here you can simply cross the border – the mighty Paraná River – to Foz do Iguaçu via Friendship Bridge.

Easter is the busiest time to visit Iguazú Falls (Alamy)
Easter is the busiest time to visit Iguazú Falls (Alamy)

When is the best time to visit Iguazú Falls?

The best time to visit Iguazú Falls is between late March to May, or August to early October.

The falls are spectacular and flowing all year around, of course, so you can really visit any time, but there are a number of factors to consider when picking the best time to visit.

With the exception of the period around Easter — which is the busiest time of year — the dry season between late March and early June boasts sunshine, manageable heat and humidity, less chance of being caught in the rain, and — particularly between Monday and Friday — it’s a quieter time to visit, with better hotel availability and prices.


August to early October are also dry months but the weather is a little cooler, making it an excellent time to explore the surrounding rainforests on hikes or bike rides. During these periods of lower rainfall, the waterfalls aren’t at their peak, but they are certainly no less impressive.

It’s during the southern summer months that the falls have their highest water levels, so you can visit between December and February if you don’t mind getting wet. Aside from the rain, the downsides to visiting at this time are the humid, hot weather — which can make visits a little less comfortable — and some of the hiking trails may be unreachable too. It’s also during this period that both Brazilians and Argentinians take their annual holidays, so the park is particularly crowded and hotel rooms more scarce, especially at the weekends.

Iguazú means ‘great water’ (Getty Images)
Iguazú means ‘great water’ (Getty Images)

Facts about Iguazú Falls

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