Jada Pinkett Smith Has Spoken Out About the Oscar Slap Debacle

Jada Pinkett Smith Has Spoken Out About the Oscar Slap Debacle
Photo: Getty Images

Ever since Will Smith slapped and verbally berated Oscar presenter Chris Rock on Sunday for making a joke at the expense of his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, the discourse about the event has raged on and on, seemingly without end. Pinkett Smith herself, however, has stayed notably silent—that is, until she appeared to address the incident with a somewhat cryptic Instagram post on Tuesday.

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“This is a season for healing and I’m here for it,” Pinkett Smith posted in a caption-free Instagram, echoing the apology that Smith offered on his own Instagram account on Monday. “There is no place for violence in a world of love and kindness,” Smith wrote after extending a specific apology toward Rock.

While much has been said about Smith’s actions and whether anything—even an unprovoked attack on a Black woman’s medical condition like the one Rock made at the Oscars—should warrant a public display of violence, it’s possible that not enough of us have considered the toll the controversy has taken on Pinkett Smith. Since being mocked on Sunday, the actor has at once been at the center of the maelstrom and a bystander in it—and while she hasn’t specifically referenced the slap or the fallout that took place, it’s inspiring to think that she’s taking control of her own narrative.

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