... deferves no better name than that of a musical jargon , and can only be effectuated by fuch a complication and intricacy of harmony , as may confound , but cannot entertam the audience . This character , therefore , ought to be added as ...
... Deferves . Recovery 50 Deferves . Recovery 40 None Recovery Extension 110 None 50 None No. Date Day C.C. Serum How Immed . Final Complica- Given Effect Result Serum rash Death 6th Alcoholism . Strept . day muc . 187,386 March 12 tion ...
About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at www.forgottenbooks.com This book is a reproduction of an important historical work.
... Deferves the Scorn of every good Man for't . But he who would enflave his native Land , Give up the reverend Rights of Law and Juftice , To the detested Lust of boundless Tyranny , Pollute our Altars , change our holy Worship , Deferves ...
... deferves not that his grey Head fhould fecure him from Infults . Much more , Sir , is he to be abhorr'd , who , as he has advanced in Age , has receded from Virtue , and becomes more wicked with lefs Temptation ; who prostitutes himself ...
... deferves the beft of treatment . ” ' Yes , yes , ' faid the fquire , ◅ I know what the deferves : now he's gone , I'll shew you what fhe deferves . See here , Sir , here is a let- ter from my coufin , my lady Bellafton , in which fhe ...
... Deferves to be reckon'd an afs . The wretch who fits watching his ill - gotten pelf ,. And wishes to add to the mass ; Whate'er the curmudgeon may think of himself , Deferves to be reckon'd an afs . The beau , who , fo fmart with his ...
... deferves credit . The young woman Kane is produced , who gives a clear account of what the faw . She appears to be a woman of decent appearance , and of an ingenious countenance : if that woman deferves credit , which entirely refts ...
... deferves . As much as he deferves ? -Pause there , Morochius ; And weigh thy value with an even hand . If thou be'ft rated by thy eftimation , Thou doft deferve enough ; and yet enough May not extend fo far as to the lady ; And yet to ...