... defire it ; but which they are to intend in their defire and ufe of it , and , anf- werable to God's purpose , they are therefore to defire it , because it is proper for this end , and that by it they may attain this end , to grow ...
... defire to my Lord Jefus . David the Prophet felt ( as I conceive ) this defire in Himself , when he faid thus : What have I in Heaven but Pfalm Ixii . Thee , and whom can I defire on earth befides Thee ? As if he had faid , Lord Jefus ...
... Defire in God is the first Former , Gene- rator , and Creator of all Things ; they are all the Births of this omnipotent , working , De- fire ; for every Thing that comes into Being , must have the Nature of that Power that form'd it ...
... defire the Concurrence of this House . The House took the faid Amendment into their immediate Confideration ; and the fame being read , was disagreed to by the House . 17 Ordered , That Mr Carter do go up with a Message to the Council ...
... defires . Nothing can quench an infinite defire , Once kindled through the first conceived fire . Sad fighes doe fhew the heat of hearts desire . Defire controld , doth aggrauate defire . Defire being fierce , is spring of fighes and ...
... Defire . Vere come the Lods , let's How good counte nance man , Pom . Pet moze ados before we ran iniog The toies of ... Defire , and Delight . pom . Which comes for Lucret Defire . Defire . ple . wabicb for Confcience ? Deuo.3 ...
... defires . Nothing can quench an infinite defire , Once kindled through the first conceived fire . Sad fighes doe fhew the heat of hearts defire . Defire controld , doth aggrauate desire . Defire being fierce , is spring of fighes and ...
... Defire the Concurrence of the Council Which Bills were feverally read the first time Refolved That the faid Bills be read a fecond time A Meffage from the Burgeffes by Mr Attorney , that they have disagreed to the Amendment propofed by ...
... Defire . am glad I met you . Deftinie . Whither jet you ? Defire . jet tell you true , to leek and lee you , To tell you luch newes , as I cannot chule . Deftinie.play you what is that ? Defire . Sirra know you not Tom Tyler your man ...
... Defiring . God can defire nothing but what is Good and Defirable , and there being not the least Degree of Good or Defirable , but what is contained in himself , in his own infinite Nature , ' tis impossible that he should defire any ...