From this form of care came new ways of engaging and understanding each other. How such singular human capacities evolved, and how they have kept us alive for generations, is revealed in this book.
As we see from this book, women are in some ways the most oppressed of all female primates. Sarah Blaffer Hrdy is convinced that to redress sexual inequality in human societies, we must first understand its evolutionary origins.
"A masterful synthesis of how it came to be that today men are taking care of very young babies given that this is unprecedented in the history of mammals, apes, and humans"--
But is it? In this provocative, groundbreaking book, renowned anthropologist (and mother) Sarah Blaffer Hrdy shares a radical new vision of motherhood and its crucial role in human evolution.
De taal en de scherpte van het verstand kwamen later.’ Hendrik Spiering in NRC Handelsblad ‘Hrdy [weet] een overtuigend betoog op te bouwen door de inzichten van disciplines als antropologie, psychologie, sociologie en fysiologie te ...