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Provides the reader with a basic understanding of the physical and chemical properties of silica gel and bonded phases as well as how these properties impact on the quality of the separations that are achieved by them.
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Edited by the leading experts John Gladysz, Dennis Curran, and Istvan Horvath, this handbook is the first to summarize all the essential aspects of this emerging field of chemistry.
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Chemical substances, physical agents and built structures exhibit various types of hazard due to their inherent toxic, mutagenic, carcinogenic, reprotoxic and sensitizing character or damaging to the immune and hormone system.
Szilikagél ft silica gel from
The advantage of this book is that it provides a detailed review of major advances that have occurred in the development and application of aluminum alloys and composites while outlining a development strategy for these materials.
Szilikagél ft silica gel from
This book looks at new ways of tackling the problem of separating reaction products from homogeneous catalytic solutions.
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This resource examines trends in modern biotechnology, covering all aspects of this interdisciplinary field. see table of contents