Kitty Fane's affair with Assistant Colonial Secretary Townsend is interrupted when she is taken from Hong Kong by her vengeful bacteriologist husband to work in a cholera epidemic.
Zugleich spielt das Stück auf seine dunkle „Komödie" Eine Unbekannte aus der Seine (1933) und deren Entstehungsgeschichte an. Der Band lässt den Entstehungsprozess der beiden Stücke nachvollziehen.
The book's initial public reception was poor. It was republished in 1927, with some minor wording changes, by Alfred A. Knopf, an influential firm that published many Harlem Renaissance writers, and Johnson was credited as the author.
1908. The book begins: For the scene of this narrative please take into mind a wide quarter-circle of country, such as any of the pretty women we are to know in it might have covered on the map with her half-opened fan.
Now the Major TV Series Partners in Crime From the brilliant pen of Agatha Christie comes the first novel in her Tommy and Tuppence mystery series featuring the beloved sleuthing duo.
Après la mort de son père, le grand Molière, Esprit-Madeleine Poquelin tente de surmonter son incommensurable chagrin pour ne point que sa mère sombre.
La Saga de “El Joven Hitler” estará formada por 4 novelas, todas ellas autoconclusivas pero con un mismo hilo conductor para poderlas seguir de forma consecutiva si así se quiere: 1-EL PEQUEÑO ADOLF Y LOS DEMONIOS DE LA MENTE 2 ...