Volhynia or Volynia is a historic region in Central and Eastern Europe, between southeastern Poland, southwestern Belarus, and northwestern Ukraine.


Volhínia egy történelmi régió Közép- és Kelet-Európában Délkelet-Lengyelország, Délnyugat-Belorusszia és Ukrajna északnyugati részén. A régió határai nincsenek egyértelműen meghatározva, de Ukrajnában nagyjából egyenértékű Volyn és Rivne megyével;... Wikipedia (angol)
2024. okt. 25. · Volhynia, area of northwestern Ukraine that was a principality (10th–14th century) and then an autonomous component of the Grand Duchy of ...
Approximately 50,000–60,000 Poles died as a result of the massacres in Volhynia, while up to 2,000–3,000 Ukrainians died as a result of Polish retaliatory ...
The region of Volhynia -- in German, Wolhynien -- is in the northwest corner of Ukraine, west of Kyiv. It borders Poland to the west and Belarus to the north.
The name Volhynia (Volyn) probably comes from a fortified town from before the 10th century, located at the confluence of the Buh River and the Huchva River.
Volhynia (Rus. Volyn; Pol. Wolyá) is a historic region in N.W. Ukraine. Under czarist rule most of it was incorporated into the province of Volhynia.
Volhynia, located in the northwest of present-day Ukraine, borders Belarus in the north, the Carpathian Mountains in the south, and Poland in the west.
Volhynia is the northwestern most province of modern day Ukraine. · For centuries Volhynia had belonged to the Lithuanian Commonwealth. · It stayed part of ...
The Volhynian massacres were anti-Polish genocidal ethnic cleansings conducted by Ukrainian nationalists. The massacres took place within Poland's borders ...
2016. nov. 16. · .Volhynia, a border region in the northwest of present-day Ukraine, is almost completely absent on Europe's landscape of memory. Here, in 1943, ...