LESSER FLAMINGO in Flight (Phoenicopterus minor) - ©National Geographic

A species in the flamingo family of birds that resides in Africa (principally in the Great Rift Valley) and in southern Asia. Birds are occasionally reported from further north, but these are generally considered to be escapees. Lesser Flamingos fly in large V-shaped formation. They fly at around 60 km per hour, and can travel up to 1500 km.

  • Lesser Flamingo is the smallest of the four flamingo’s species.
  • Adult has deep eye and surrounding bare facial skin.
  •  It has a rather angry expression.
  • Bill, facial skin and eye look blackish at a distance.
  • Plumage coloration is usually a brighter deeper pink, and some males have crimson on breast and upperparts.
  • Lesser Flamingo is a nomadic bird. It is found throughout Africa, as well as Spain, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Oman and Yemen.
  • Lesser Flamingo feeds in a typical posture of flamingos, long neck bent over and bill upside down the water. The tongue is pumped to suck in the salty, alkaline water and mud. Filters in the mouth catch microscopic algae in the water.
  • Lesser flamingo has a very poor sense of taste and no sense of smell.
  • Eyesight plays an important role in group activities.
  • Flamingos use various techniques of flashing the back feathers on their wings to communicate. 

Fact Source: http://www.oiseaux-birds.com/card-lesser-flamingo.html