A bird with dark brown wings and tail, a grey head, black crown, dark pinkish underside, brick red patch under its tail, and dark grey bill and legs perches on a broken branch among leafy branches against a light blue backgroundALT

December 17, 2023 - Bay-vented Cotinga (Doliornis sclateri)

Found in the Andes in central Peru, these cotingas live in forests with very short trees near treeline. Due to the remoteness of their range, only three birds were found between the first observation of a pair in 1874 and the early 1970s. They feed mostly on fruits, along with some insects and forage alone or in pairs, though the details of their diet are not known. Almost nothing is known about their breeding behavior, though one of their nests may have been seen in April or May along with a young bird in July. They are classified as Near Threatened by the IUCN due to ongoing habitat loss and degradation in their small range.